Today and tomorrow, Ohioans across the state are marking the first anniversary of the Citizens United vs. FEC Supreme Court decision with educational events and actions demanding an End to Corporate Rule.
Events are taking place in Akron, Athens, Cleveland, Columbus and Wilmington.
Above are photos showing banners stretched across 2 bridges during morning rush hour heading in to downtown Cleveland. More than 20,000 cars passed. A Cleveland TV station and news photographer attended — which hopefully will result in further publicity.
Tonight, a Caring Citizens Freedom Rally will take place in Wilmington.
Also tonight, a community forum is scheduled in Akron.
Tomorrow, on the one year anniversary, a noon rally in Columbus takes places followed by a march to the statehouse. (Dress warmly!)
Also in Athens, a 2 pm rally sponsored by Ohio University students and community activists is slated for the Athens County Community Courthouse. For more information, contact John Howell at howell@frognet.net.
Please consider attending the event/action closest to you...or one that may not be so close but sounds interesting!
Check MovetoAmendOhio.org for the latest updates after tomorrow.
The Ohio events are a portion of more than 100 local activities across the country.
In Washington, D.C., there will be a rally tomorrow in front of the U.S. Capitol, located across from the U.S. Supreme Court, followed by a delivery to Congress of over 700,000 petition signatures calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. A “For the People” summit, focused on the harmful effects of the decision and efforts to overturn it, will take place immediately after.
These events are part of a nationwide effort led by Move To Amend, Backbone Campaign, Public Citizen, and other national groups, to raise awareness of the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics and to organize people to mobilize support for a constitutional amendment to reverse the Citizens United decision and, in the case of Move to Amend, end all corporate constitutional rights.
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