Thursday, April 22, 2010

Expanding the Rights of Nature, Not Corporations

Today is the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day.

While the Supreme Court of the United States of America recently expanded the constitutional rights of corporations (artificial legal creations of the state), the 130-member Ecuador Constitutional Assembly, elected countrywide to rewrite the country’s Constitution, voted in July, 2008 to approve articles that recognize rights for nature and ecosystems. Two months later, the people of Ecuador voted by an overwhelming majority (64%) to approve the new constitution.

Ecuador, thus, became the first nation on planet earth to bestow upon nature inalienable rights imbedded in their constitution. Quite a contract to the 5 members of the US Supreme Court which expanded constitutional rights to corpses — pieces of property.

Ecuador Adopts New Constitution - With CELDF RIGHTS of NATURE Language

Ecuador Constitution Grants Rights to Nature

The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund has developed a model “Rights of Nature Ordinance” for consideration by local communities in this country.

As the world continues to be plundered in a seemingly never-ending cycle of transforming raw materials into stuff into waste (led by transnational corporations with greater plundering powers and rights), what is more life-affirming — expanding the constitutional rights of corpses or nature?

Move to Amend

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